There are things in this life we can control, we steer life this way and that way, but then there are many, MANY things in life that we can’t control. The weather being one.
In the UK this past 2 weeks, snow has invaded our land and many people have been having fun and making memories with this white fluffy stuff that in any other time than a national lockdown, would have causes interruptions and headaches for lots of us. But finding the joy in these type of seasons is incredibly important to our mental health and well being.
The thing I find fascinating about snow is that from a distance it can look like a white blanket, a sea of white wool, and when you walk in it or play in it, it crunches, makes you work that little bit harder to get through, but is really food fun to be in. However did you know that snow is made up of micro sized snowflakes and EVERY SINGLE ONE IS COMPLETELY UNIQUE!
“A snowflake is a single ice crystal coalescing around a dust particle. After it grows, it starts to develop a unique shape — although the differences might be minuscule, every snowflake is indeed unique in its design.” (quote from Christmas flakes: macro photography reveals unique snowflake design)
How amazing that something so natural and so random shows off how amazing creation is. The beauty within a snowflake is mesmerising and captivating.
“They may look alike, but examine them more closely and they’re different, each with that little spark of individuality.” (Quote from bbc bitesize )
In a sea of white wool that can appear to be the design, media and creative industry YOU ARE A FLAKE! There is something unique about you and that needs to be shared with the world.
Now is not the time to shrink back or hold off on projects but to be BRAVE! Show off your unique talents, get that idea you pencilled out of the draw and get it going. You were made to create stuff….so what are you waiting for?
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