Sometimes being a freelance designer, or perhaps any self employed/sole trader, can feel like you are hitting your head against a wall or running with weights on your legs while everyone else is running at ultra speed on the clouds.
There have been times over the past 12 years or so that I have felt inadequate, a failure and considered jacking design in and pursuing what I thought I should have done and what everyone else expected me to do and become a teacher.
But then a project lands on my desk, the cogs start whirling and the excitement builds and the hours start to fly by as I delve into something I am super passionate about – CREATIVITY!
The designer can get to work!
So it’s time to nip some things in the bud that can be a hinderance to seeing our goals fulfilled.
4 Designer Hinderances:
1. PRESSURE – the pressure to pay the bills, the sell products, to win the next big client and to be the best at your job can feel like one of those weights around your ankles pulling you down and can really attack your creativity. So let’s put this one to bed first. Take the pressure off, Designer. You have skills, you are unique, you know what you’re talking about and you have got something to say. People value your opinion. So kick pressure to the curb. If you need a little side job to keep the bills ticking over then get one; you’re not a failure and you are not giving up, you are simply supply for your needs and giving your passion permission to grow over time. Take your time over projects and start to believe in yourself.
2. COMPARISON – that feeling when you see someone else’s work and think “I could never do that” or “man I wish that was my work, why don’t I ever get clients like that?” Or that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you pitch your work but get sidelined. Man this design industry is a tough gig BUT THERE IS NO ONE OUT THERE LIKE YOU! What you have is a gift, and someone needs your gift. So quit trying to be like everyone else, cos they are already taken. It’s time for THIS Designer to shine, it’s time to be YOU!
3. ANXIETY – a bit like pressure only this one can really effect your day to day. Listen; if you are struggling with anxiety then speak to someone, a friend, a family member or a professional. Keeping things locked up inside; this pressure, this comparison; it will firstly hinder your creativity and second hinder your life. Listen friend, speak out! Use your skills to speak out. Release it the best way you know how….put it out into the world and then BOOM, let it go!
4. TIME – that feeling when “I just need to get it done” or “this needs doing now” and “wow I have so much to do” sound familiar? Listen; this world will keep on turning, night will turn into day and day into night. You have today; use it wisely BUT don’t kill yourself trying to be the best designer on planet earth. I am learning this lesson the hard way and I am starting 2021 off in a different light, in a different tone and with more planning and focus than ever. AND I have planned in a proper weekend and days OFF! As in closed shop! People can and will wait and if they won’t then quite frankly they aren’t the clients for you.
If 2020 taught us anything it’s these few things;
1. Perspective – value the things that are helpful & positive and then sack everything else off.
2. Declutter – get rid of stuff that has taken up your time, your effort and your energy so that your mind, soul and body can be filled with stuff that makes you happy and that stirs your passion!
3. Take a day off. Close up shop and get outside. It’s mentally and physically good for you!
Believe in yourself!!!
Follow: Instagram @Peanut_Designs
If you liked this blog why not read “The Battle of a Freelance Designer”