Ever had that moment when it has all just gone plain wrong?
When planning to design something, sometimes in your head you can see the finished article straight away (oh…just me then!)
You get out the notepad (no lines….lines just aint’ right) and you get your pens and start drawing…
It’s going well, the design on the paper is looking much like what you have in your head and you think “This is going to look great on the computer”
Right, time to get out the computer
You open it up, turn on Illustrator and off you go….
An hour later and the unthinkable happens….the design looks TERRIBLE – it all went wrong!
All that time you’ve been so excited about the design in your head, even the paper version looked awesome, but then it just dies on the computer.
So….what do you do WHEN IT ALL GOES WRONG?
Here’s what I did:
I took some time off from the design I was trying to achieve; sometimes you just need to put the work to one side for a day or two and live a little, then come back to it when you have slept a little you can tackle it head on with a fresh head.
I started with a fresh new design; even though the design in my head looked amazing it just didn’t work, begin your research again, try even more sketches and find something else that works…if you have the success I did you’ll produce something even better.
I kept the old design in the ‘use another time’ draw; no design you come up with, whether complete or just a sketch, is ever useless. Keep everything. You just never know when that design is going to come in handy either for inspiration for another design or for when it might become useful.
I turned discouragement into creativity; it’s easy to get disheartened when a design fails but always use the strength you have as a designer and fight for your creativity to be ignited again. You can do it!
So if you’re a new designer out there, a discouraged one, stuck in a root and can’t get out of it designer then this is for you…take a moment, have a break for maybe a day or two and then I just know you’ll make it!